Exchanging an item

To exchange an item please visit your nearest cash & carry depot where you’ll be able to exchange your order on the spot (subject to availability).

If you prefer to use our other returns methods, simply return the unwanted item following our returns procedure and place a new order online for the product you'd like. It may take up to 14 days for the refund for your original product to be processed, from the date you send it back to us.

How long do I have to exchange a product?

In line with our returns policy, you have up to 14 days to exchange a product from the date of purchase or the date you received your order.

Did you find what you were looking for?

Only use the form below to ask a question about this specific product.
For all non-product related enquires please use our contact form (https://www.coals2u.co.uk/contact-us-coals2u)

Delivery to Fireside

We deliver the traditional way. Bagged coal and firewood (up to 50kg) are delivered exactly where you need them. In your fuel store or even by the fireside

Kerbside Delivery

Orders over 50kg (bulk bags, pallets or crates) are delivered as close to where you want as possible, which may be the kerbside

Delivery is included in the price

The cost of delivery is included in the price of the goods

Hassle free returns

In the unlikely event that you're not happy with your order, it can be returned within 14 days by arranged collection

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Why am I being asked for my postcode?

We supply all throughout the UK, so knowing your postcode means we can select the right local merchant and give you the best price!